Monday, September 9, 2019

Strategic human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Strategic human resource management - Essay Example The organisation boasts over an employee population of 1,000 head tally. Its top management and specifically the human resource management department ensure that the employees deliver their obligations in accordance to the set goals and objectives. The following questionnaire is central to the company’s strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices in ensuring cohesion and integration of Emaar’s labour force and its long-range plans (Armstrong, 2000). Emaar’s SHRM guarantees its employees a health workplace through teambuilding and encouragement of teamwork, a factor that serves to ease the threat of conflicts and other differences, which may harm the employees’ worthwhile coexistence in the organization. Further, the SHRM provides necessary training and provision of information on any changes in the industry to acquaint the employees and stakeholders with up to date skills and knowledge (Perkins, Shortland & Perkins, 2006). The Emaar’s human resource management team executes relevant and appropriate plans concerning the chain of management, and decision-making with acknowledgement of the open door policy to ensure that all groups in the organisation undertake the obligations in accordance to the long-term goals (Dhar, 2008). The human resource management also offers rewards and incentives, which serve to motivate the employees who in turn perform their duties competently thus enabling the organisation to achieve its goals at the long run. Emaar’s human resource management group ensures that the employees have competence abilities and skills. This enables the organization to achieve a competitive advantage that its competitors cannot initiate (Armstrong, 2000). Through the process of vetting and evaluation, SHRM is capable of enrolling the competent staff to deliver quality service hence growing competitively in the UAE construction and building market. Summative surveys also serve as beneficial staffing style since they

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