Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Avoiding sexual harassment problems Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Avoiding sexual harassment problems - Term Paper Example The responsibilities and caution requisite for the achievement of an environment favorable for work and studies is one of the high expectations that the society has laid upon all members (Tatiana 2). The golden rules involved in the process of maintaining a sex harassment free zone is a core duty of all the members of the society (Tatiana 2). For instance at the workplaces, every employee holds a legal obligation to keep their working surrounding free from sexual harassment. In situations where such obligations are less taken into consideration or even ignored, Francis (23) offers a stern warning that low output from work, loss of dignity as well as low quality work may result. Coupled with the golden rule of life stating that individuals should always strictly aspire to do unto others what they would also wish to be done to, Kent State University developed an elaborative policy as regards unlawful harassment and the discrimination based on gender, race and tribe, political or even r eligious differences. Keeping in mind that sexual harassment is an act that may not spare an individual for some special reason, employees at all work places should ensure that they fully acquire a proper comprehension of the various forms of sexual harassment (Francis 20). ... As Francis (45) reports, many office managers have also been reported to instill extreme discomfort to the other office users such as cleaners by making sexually explicit statements in their presence. In times of ideological differences that may naturally arise among employees, others may belittle their coworkers by insulting them through using sexist or demeaning arguments in order to silence them. More frustrating is when employees harass the rest of the university workers by posting sexually oriented jokes such as pornographic pictures or videos on the university’s intranet bulletin sites as others also sends electronic mails to their coworkers that contain sexually oriented language (Linda & Hajdin 7). Similarly, in the higher learning institutions such as the universities, more or less similar cases of sexual harassment forms have been reported either from the male or female students against senior staff members such as the university professors and lectures. Workers with in the university are encouraged to beware of all forms of sexual harassment in the entire university community in order to help curb such vises completely. Tatiana (12) reports in his book that even though the act is gender and superiority neutral, most reported cases have been those against female students by fellow male students and the university professors and lectures. As opposed to the fellow student’s forms of harassment, the professors and the lectures resort their power and academic authority to intimidate the female students in favor of sexual pleasure with them (Linda & Hajdin 3). A professor may blackmail a female student by asking them to choose between either to getting an â€Å"A† in their examinations or fail the

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