Friday, November 8, 2019

General Biological Evolution Example

General Biological Evolution Example General Biological Evolution – Coursework Example General Biological Evolution al Affiliation Evolution and the age of the earth have always been two topics having contentious explanation and neither is too strong to stand without critique. This work will look at biological evolution which has been used to explain the diversity between various organisms and also the relationship between them. The essay will also critique the creation theory which also stands to explain the origin and diversity of organisms. According to biological evolution, organisms had a similar origin. However, over the years the organisms have evolved differently according to what the environment dictates. Adaptation and natural selection ensures that only the best suited organisms are left living while the rest become extinct (Munday, 2008). Variation in various organisms as explained by the biological theory is due to micro and macro evolution. Micro evolution is brought about by four processes which include genetic drift, mutation, natural selection and gen e flow. All these, though happening over large periods of time make the organisms to vary and it can be the source of new species. Macro evolution on the other hand refers to the evolution emanating from the separation of gene pools. This is also significant in explaining biological evolution. Scripture versus Biological EvolutionAccording to John C. Munday who authored Scripture and Biological Evolution, the scripture is against biological evolution by asserting that animals did not die before the fall (1). Animals started dying after man sinned against God. Therefore using this assertion, it is claimed that there was no evolution before the fall. The scripture also uses the creation of Adam and Eve directly into the people they were and not from evolution as a reason to disregard biological evolution. ReferencesMunday, J. C. (2008). Creation, Evolution and Intelligent Design. Munday, J. C. (2008). Scripture and Biological Evolution. Regent University.

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