Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analyze how moses is related to the herioc model Essay

Analyze how moses is related to the herioc model - Essay Example   Moses’ leadership was known as directed by God; He who is God was the One responsible for all the directions and instructions that Moses was giving to his people, the Israelites. Moses goal is to free the Israelites from slavery under the Egyptians and deliver them to the promise land, Canaan, a land where milk and honey were overflowing. But their journey towards the promise had never been that easy, it was a journey accompanied by temptations and bloodshed to which they were strengthened by faith. Their entrance would be accompanied by the power and presence of God Himself, for He alone would be their strength and victory. That God would be with them Israel in their taking of the land was as much a trustworthy promise as the land itself; indeed, perhaps more so. However, as we know, Israel did not really receive the inheritance promised, at least not fully. Forgetting the command of the Lord, they prostituted themselves with other gods and committed idolatry. Eventually, the people of Israel were taken into exile. The Promised Land given to them by God was taken away. The promise remained unfulfilled.As we saw by Moses' response to the oppression of his fellow Jew, he certainly did possess leadership qualities. The model of leadership in the Jewish tradition is not the individual who is willing to subjugate others, rather the individual who is willing to sacrifice for others. Moses was the most modest of men, became the finest leader and teacher that our people have had.

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