Thursday, October 31, 2019

Transport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Transport - Essay Example Overall, the air travel industry provides an opportunity, which is facilitated by more than tourism. It also incorporates economic development, global trade and international investments, thus being one of the best investment opportunities (Brennan, 2009, p. 212). As a small-scale entrepreneur, the number of tourists entering France provides any investor with the opportunity of establishing a low cost international or local flight service. In Europe, the connection between the UK and France presents a lucrative venture for business. The route that I choose as an investor is between the Heathrow, London and Charles De Gaulle, Paris airports. One of the strongest reasons why this choice makes economic sense to me is that the two stations represent the hubs of business in the regions (Doganis, 2001, p. 90). The two airports are located within two of the busiest cities in Europe. These cities have an intricate transportation network in which the passengers can get to the airports in a nu mber of transportation choices. One of the most preferred choices of transport happen to be the train, closely followed by the cab. Transport between the centers and the airport has some merits as well as demerits. One of the challenges that the surface transport modes face is the case of jams. In both the UK and Paris, traffic congestion is a common occurrence, especially during the rush hours (Fleisher. and Bensoussan, 2007, p. 62). The jams are common in the railway stations as well as the motor ways. These characteristic is one that lowers the convenience of this mode of transport. This is however, it is an occurrence prominent in certain hours, but the intricate network is quite useful when there is little traffic on the road and rail networks. The car, either in a private or cab company capacity provides another choice of transport in the centers to the airports routes. As the preferred choice of transport, the car is one of the best choices in transportation, when convenience is involved, but this is dependent on the profile of the passenger. Where luggage is involved, the car might be the best operational choice, since it provides a better means of transport from the house to the terminal as opposed to public transportation. The train, though high speed faces an inconvenience in that it is public transport and is located at strategic points for a community (Frechtling, 2001, p. 31), in which the travellers have to walk or take a car to the service stations as well as from the terminals to the airports. With the train and buses being restricted to certain routes, the inconvenience lays mostly in the distance between the public terminals and the airport terminals, for they are not the same though close, in some instances. Another challenge with the public surface transport is the challenge introduced by the complexity of the transport network, especially for a nonlocal (Duncan, 2012, p. 134). Some of the competitors in the route chosen include the Eurost ar. The train is one of the modes of transport between the two centers i.e. Paris and London. There are several favorable elements associated with the train such as speed, lower costs and the interactive nature of the travel. The car is another competitor to the mode of transport between the two terminals, since the intricate transport network provides a motorway that links the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Impact upon the offender Essay Example for Free

Impact upon the offender Essay The offender gets a new lease of life, and gets a chance to redeem himself or herself in the eyes of law as well as the society. Although the lawbreaker will have to continuously be doing the correct thing so that people or the police do not pick him or her again for any further offences in the future. They get a chance to contribute to society and at the same time maintain ties with their near and dear ones. Parole decisions for an individual depends on several factors which includes the offenders offense, the number of violations done at the institutions, past criminal history, personal interviewing, behavioral educational development during prison sentence, plans on released information that is available from fiends, family and victims. The main impact for the offender would be the restoration of Civil Rights, which can be completely or partially. This giving the offender the freedom to return to a normal way of life which every human being would want to come back to. Social impact upon society. According to John Howard Society of Alberta (1998), corrections give the lawbreaker a chance to come back to the society as productive and valuable members for society. Although there is evidence that Canadian citizens can be interested in community corrections, but the New Brunswick incident has shown that people want to go through the correctional system and are also willing to listen to discussions about how things work. But many still do feel that the present correctional system is a failure and people are willing to go through other alternatives to community corrections. The research done in the article shows that more information that is available to the public more is their degree of understanding and acceptance of not only the circumstances and the case but also of the sentence itself. So that the offenders get a chance to be accepted into society and the community as much as possible, so that they can aptly contribute to the society. Every year there are thousands of offenders that are released, which forces the police to take public safety very seriously. So that not only does the offender have a smooth transition into society but also so that the society accepts the rehabilitated offender. The cost for such programs is very expensive and therefore there needs to be some cost affective ways of managing with limited resources so that offences of the type do not happen again. There needs to be solutions and programs that can be put into place so that programs and people can be corrected with better strategies. Fiscal impact upon society Due to these corrective institutions and communities there has been a serious overcrowding in the community and institutions, leading to â€Å"stifling fiscal constraints† on the services and providers (McCarthy.C, Lincoln. R and Wilson. P, 2000). The paper also says that these have found to be cheap â€Å"alternative to prison†, but there is a continuous growth in prison population while the treasury has been forced to spend a lot of money to face the â€Å"pressures of overcrowding†. All this is because there is a lack of purpose and more over lack of funding. Harding (1994) and Kleinwort Report (1989) did mention that there needs to be better â€Å"public sector management† even though there is pressure and competition. What is required is to create worthwhile â€Å"benchmarks, fiscal justification and budgetary restraint†. Although privatization questions whether it is correct to privatize even though there is a possibility fiscal and other benefits (DiLulio 1989), although such resistance will need to be overcome if we need to countenance the â€Å"privatising of community corrections†. Conclusion Institutional and community corrections are done so that outcome of the criminal judicial system and their intervention with these offenders may ensure that the public is safe. Over the years criminal justice lawmakers have tried their best to come up with the most effective methods that will help in achieving the goal and also the affect it will have on the strategies in the management of the offender. There have been many ways of management inside the system itself for the judges and the offenders so that sentences that are given out is fair and just, which leads to safe and secure lives for the offenders keeping in mind the society, the offender, victims, friends and family. Communication correction is one of the main reasons that the offenders are returned back to the society as able and responsible citizens. The main goal of institutional and corrective measures is public safety through reduced means of recidivism by the effective management of offenders inside the community and institutions, wherein both need to work together as partners, so that the common goal can be achieved. To make this a success it is also important to use additional resources such as an integrated case management system all over the country, interaction between professional in the field of criminal judiciary and corrective institutions and communities, to promote the offenders success rate. References Justice Solutions, Inc. (2005) American Probation and Parole Association. Institutional and Community Corrections-sponsored Community Service Projects to Benefit Crime Victims In Conjunction With National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. February 2005. http://www. appa-net. org/announce/aaa_summary. pdf Robinson, P. H and Darley, J. M (2003). Role of Deterrence in the Formulation of Criminal Law Rules: At Its Worst When Doing Its Best, The Georgetown Law Journal. http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa3805/is_200306/ai_n9292674 Sherman. L. W and Strang. H (1997). Reintegrative Shaming Experiments (RISE). Restorative justice and deterring crime. ISSN 1328-3006 ; ISBN 0 7315 2803 4 Australian National University, Canberra RISE Working Papers, no. 4 April 1997 John Howard Society of Alberta (1998). Community Corrections. http://www. johnhoward. ab. ca/PUB/C29. htm McCarthy. C, Lincoln. R and Wilson. P, (2000) . Privatising Community Corrections. http://epublications. bond. edu. au/cgi/viewcontent. cgi? article=1048context=hss_pubs. Harding, R. (1994) Models of Accountability for the Contract Management of Prisons in Moyle, P. (ed) Private Prisons and Police: Recent Australian Trends, Pluto Press, Sydney. Kleinwort Report (1989) Investigation into Private Sector Involvement in the NSW Corrective Services, Kleinwort Benson, Sydney. DiLulio, J. (1989) The Duty to Govern: A Critical Perspective on the Management of Prisons and Jails in McDonald, D. (ed) Private Prisons and the Public Interest Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick NJ.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

MAMLD1 Mutation and Phenotypes of Hypospadias

MAMLD1 Mutation and Phenotypes of Hypospadias The relationship between clinical phenotypes and mutations of MAMLD1 in children with hypospadias Yong-fen Lv, Lu-lu Cui, Pin Li* Department of Endocrinology, Shanghais Children Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University Acknowledgements: The work was financially supported by the key project of Shanghai municipal health bureau (2011111), youth project of Shanghai municipal health bureauà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’major issue subprojects of Shanghai science and technology commission (12411952408), Yangtze river delta research project of Shanghai science and technology commission (13495810300). Abstract Purpose: To verify the relationship between clinical phenotypes of hypospadias and mutations of MAMLD1. Methods: Seventy-two patients were diagnosed to be hypospadias in department of endocrinology and department of urinary surgery in our hospital. Among all the patients, 69 were with normal karyotype and enrolled as the studied group. Fifty healthy boys were employed as the controls. Peripheral Blood were collected for DNA extraction. For the studied group, PCR primer was designed and direct sequencing was performed for screening for MAMLD1 mutations in six coding exons and the flanking region. Those mutated exons were examined for the control group. Results: Thirty-five of all the 72 patients (48.6 %) were isolated hypospadias. The other 37 cases (51.4%) were complicated by other genitourinary system malformations, including 12 cases with micropenis and/or underdeveloped testicles. Abnormal karyotype was identified in 3 patients, and all were karyotype as 46, XX (SRY+ in 1 case and SRY- in 2 cases). Six types of MAMLD1 mutations were detected in exon 2, 3, 5, 7 in studied group, including c.5A>G (p.D2G), IVS4-364C/A, c.1910A>Gà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ p.N637S), c.2208T>C, c.2227 G>A (p.E742K) and IVS8-144C/T. All were single nucleotide polymorphism except c.5A>G (p.D2G), a newly discovered point mutation. The frequency of IVS4-364C/A was significantly different between patients and controls, and it was also significantly different between patients with and without micropenis and/or underdeveloped testicles. Conclusion: Chromosome abnormality is not the leading cause of other genitourinary system malformations complicated with hypospadias. Mutations of MAMLD1 maybe closely related to hypospadias in Chinese. c.5Aà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¾Gà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ p.D2Gà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °is the newly discovered point mutation in this work. IVS4-364C/A is associated with underdeveloped testicles and/or micropenis in hypospadias patients. Introduction Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital genitourinary system malformations in males, with incidence 1†°Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ½Ã… ¾1%. As one of the Juvenile-types of testicular dysgenesis syndrome,(1-3) the prevalence of hypospadias is obviously increasing in these years. From 1987 to 2001, the prevalence rate was doubly increased in China.(4) Hypospadias will lead to different degrees of genital malformation, and the clinical phenotypes vary when with other complications. For instance, besides the general signs of hypospadias, e.g., ectopic ureteral orifice, phallocampsis, redundant dorsal prepuce, etc, the patient may be also suffered from other malformations including penoscrotal transposition, cryptorchidism, hydrocele, oblique inguinal hernia, micropenis and underdeveloped testicles. Hypospadias is a complicated disease due to various causes. The causes of most cases are not able to be verified, especially for those mild cases. For these cases, environmental factors, endocrine fa ctors and abnormal gene expression may be the leading causes.(5) The sex differentiation of males is a continuous series of processes related on the balancing and interaction of various genes like SRY, WTl, ATF3, SF-1, etc. MAMLD1, which is previously called chromosome X open reading frame6 (Cxorf6), is the important candidate gene widely studied recently. This gene is located in Xq28,(6,7) with molecular length of 157898 bp and containing 8 exons, among which exon 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are coding exons. MAMLD1 is initially detected in patients with X-linked myotubular myopathy. The reproductive systems of patients are normally developed with mutations in Myotubularin MTM-1, while different degrees of malformations occur in cases with deletion of MTM1 gene.(8-11) The subsequent experiments indicated that, for patients with 46, XY disorder of sex development (DSD), except MAMLD1, no other candidate genes were found in the deletion region. These results indicate that MAMLD1 is the perfect candidate gene for the study of 46, XY DSD, especially for hypospa dias. This work aimed to evaluate the mutations of MAMLD1 and clinical phenotypes in children with hypospadias in China, and thus to illustrate the role of MAMLD1 mutation in hypospadias. Methods Patients Seventy-two children with hypospadias admitted to Shanghai Childrens Hospital Affiliated to Jiaotong University from March 2011 to December 2012 were enrolled in this study. Definite diagnosis was based on the clinical signs, and patients with adrenogenital syndrome were excluded through clinical examination. Clinical examination Clinical survey was performed including patient’s complain, present medical history, past medical history, personal history, family history, birth history, mother’s medical history in pregnancy, previous exposure to environmental pollution, etc. Physical examination was performed to measure the hight, weight, heart rate, blood pressure and the status of gonad development, etc. For adolescent, the development of secondary sexual characteristics was also assessed. Regular auxiliary examinations were performed including blood and urine routine test, biochemistry test, gonadal hormone level, adrenal cortex function and abdominal ultrasound exam, etc. Karyotype analysis and detection of SRY gene Lymphocytes were isolated from peripheral blood of patients, cultured and smeared on slides, and G-bands were produced by treatment with trypsin. Thirty split-phases were selected for each case, and karyotype analysis was performed according to ISCN-1995. SRY gene detection was performed for all the patients. Screening for MAMLD1 mutations The gene sequence of MAMLDI was obtained from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), which was the same as obtained from Ensembl Genome Browser: NC_000023.10 (NCBI) versus ENSG00000013619 (Ensembl release 70-January 2013). Primers were designed for the coding exon 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of MAMLD1. DNA extraction was performed using TIANamp Blood DNA Kit (TIANGEN Biotech (Beijing) Co., Ltd, China) and purity test was done. Ploymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed with use of LONGgene A300 PCR and Premix Ex Taq Version2.0 (TaKaRa D332A), GC buffer (TaKaRa DRR20GC1) and rTag (TaKaRa DR001BM), 35 cycles of denaturation at 94à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ for 30 seconds,extension at 72à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ for 60 seconds. Mutations were identified in the six coding exons and flanking regions of MAMLD1, and those mutated exons were examined for the control group. Statistical analysis The SPSS 18 software was used for statistical evaluation. Chi-square test was used to compare the two groups, frequency of single nucleotide polymorphism between the two groups was analyzed using Fisher Exact test, and differences were considered statistically significant when the p-value was G (p.D2G), IVS4-364C/A (rs1209024), c.1910A>G (p.N637S), c.2208T>C, c.2227 G>A (p.E742K, rs5925166) and IVS8-144C/T (rs658748). Two types of mutations were detected in exon 5 and 7 in all healthy controls, including c.1910 A>G (p.N637S, rs2073043) and c.2208T>C. Among all the mutations, c.5A>G (p.D2G) was a newly discovered point mutation, others were all single nucleotide polymorphism. The studied group compared to the control group, the frequency analyzed by Fisher Exact test, the P value for IVS4-364C/A, c.1910A>G (p.N637S), c.2208T>C, c.2227 G>A (p.E742K) and IVS8-144C/T were 0.002, 0.638, 0.362, 1 and 0.509 respectively. Therefore, the frequency of IVS8-144C/T was significantly different be tween the two groups, and the frequency of the other 4 SNPs were not significantly different between the two groups. Relationship between mutations of MAMLD1 and clinical phenotypes of hypospadias One case with c.5A>G (p.D2G) was isolated hypospadias, the urethral opening position was located at the middle segment of penis. Due to the limited number of mutation cases, the sample size should be increased to study the relationship between c.5A>G (p.D2G) and phenotypes of hypospadias. Analyzed by Chi-squared test with Yates continuity correction, the frequency of IVS4-364C/A was significantly different between patients with and without micropenis and/or underdeveloped testicles (p=0.001). Discussion Chromosome abnormality and karyotype change is one of the causes of hypospadias. Till now, ten types of chromosome abnormalities were confirmed involving chromosome 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13 19, 20, 21, X, Y, etc. In the studied 72 patients, abnormal karyotype was identified in 3 patients, and all were karyotype as 46, XX (SRY+ in 1 case and SRY- in 2 cases). For these three patients, uterus and ovary were not found through the laparoscopic exploration. Therefore, they were diagnosed to be 46, XX male sex reversal syndrome. Karyotype analysis is important for hypospadias patients with sex reversal syndrome in exploring candidate gene and pathogenesis, in clinical diagnosis as well as in making therapeutic plan. However, there are only 3 cases with karyotype abnormality in the 72 patients studied, which means chromosome abnormality is not the leading cause of hypospadias. MAMLD1 is initially detected in patients with X-linked myotubular myopathy. The reproductive systems of patients are normally developed with mutations in Myotubularin MTM-1, while different degrees of malformations occur in cases with deletion of MTM1 gene.(8-11) Except MAMLD1, no other candidate genes were found in the deletion region. These results indicate that MAMLD1 is the perfect candidate gene for the study of 46, XY DSD, especially for hypospadias. In the works of Fukami et al., three nonsense mutations were detected, i.e., p.E124X, p.Q197X and p.R653X, in 4 XY DSD cases, involving micropenis and hypospadias with urethral opening position located on scrotum and the joint at penis and scrotum.(12) Kalfa et al. have studied the mutations of MAMLD1 in hypospadias patients and discovered 3 mutations, including p.V432A, p.E109fsX121 and P.531ins3Q, and they proposed that 10 percent of all the severe hypospadias cases was caused by mutations of MAMLD1.(13) In the study of Chen et al., three mutations of MAMLD1 were discovered, i.e., p.Q529K, p.D686D and noncoding region c.2065+8a>t, in 99 Swedish with hypospadias.(14) However, this is not the case in China. Qian et al. have studied the mutations of MAMLD1 in 100 cases of isolated hypospadias,(15) where 200 healthy participants were randomly selected as control. In their work, two point mutations, c.1699C>T and c.1985A>G, were detected and all were SNPs, and statistical analysis revea led that MAMLD1 is not the candidate gene for isolated hypospadias in China. The different results may be due to the different inclusion criteria of studied population between China and abroad, i.e., the studied populations of foreign works were mostly composed by hypospadias cases complicated by other genitourinary system malformations, including gonadal dysgenesis, while mostly isolated hypospadias cases were selected in the works of Chinese. In this study, a new point mutation c.5A>G was detected in exon 2 of one patient, and this mutation was not found in controls. The mutation makes the second amino acid position, originally the hydrophilic negatively charged aspartic acid, substituted by a neutrally charged glycine. For various species, the second amino acid position in exon 2 of MAMLD1 is highly conserved, and analyzed via polyphen, the mutation c.5A>G (p.D2G) of MAMLD1 is predicted to be probably damaging with a score of 0.996 from HumDiv and 0.993 from HunVar, which indicates that c.5A>G (p.D2G) is highly related to hypospadias. SIFT predicts that the mutation can affect protein function, since there is no protein diversity on the site (supplementary figure 20). The case with c.5Aà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¾G was isolated hypospadias, and the urethral opening was located in the middle segment of penis. A big sample size and the information of the exact protein function are required to elucidate whether c.5A>G (p.D2G) of MAMLD1 is the cause of isolated hypospadias and its role in human sexual differentiation. The meaningful SNP detected in this work is the full mutation in introns close to exon 3, i.e., IVS4-364C/A (rs1209024), in 12 patients, which is not found in controls. The 12 cases including 2 cases with anterior hypospadias, 9 cases middle urethral openings and 1 case posterior urethral opening. Among all the 12 patients, 6 were complicated by 2 other malformations, 8 cases were complicated by micropenis and/or underdeveloped testicles. Generally, introns are non-coding sections of a gene, which are removed before the mature mRNA can be transported, thus do not exist in the mRNA sequence. However, there may be several mini genes in some introns, the so called genes-within-genes. The frequency of IVS4-364C/A was significantly different between patients and controls, and it was also significantly different between patients with and without micropenis and/or underdeveloped testicles. Therefore, two possibilities could be speculated, the first is that there may be coding sequence relat ed to micropenis and/or underdeveloped testicles in the introns close to exon 3 of MAMLD1, the second is that the mutation could affect mRNA shear mode, thus lead to the change of protein function. Next step of our study plan is to verify whether the mutation could affect mRNA shear mode through reverse transcription, amplification and sequencing of extracted mRNA. References 1. Skakkebaek NE, Rajpert-De ME, Main KM. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: an increasingly common developmental disorder with environmental aspects. Hum Reprod 2001;16:972-8. 2. Sharpe RM. Pathways of endocrine disruption during male sexual differentiation and masculinization. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006;20:91-110. 3. Sharpe RM, Skakkebaek NE. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: mechanistic insights and potential new downstream effects. Fertil Steril 2008;89(2 Suppl):e33-8. 4. Wu YQ, Dai L, Wang YP, Liang J, Zhu J, Wu DS. Secular Trends of Hypospadias in Chinese Perinatals. J Sichuan Univ (Med Sci Edi) 2005;36:274-6. 5. Liang WQ, Ji CY, Zhang JM, et al. The correlation between the type of hypospadias and external genital system malformations. Chin J Urol 2011;32:126-9. 6. Laporte J, Kioschis P, Hu LJ, et al. Cloning and char acterization of an alternatively spliced gene in proximal Xq28 deleted in two patients with intersexual genitalia and myotubular myopathy. Genomics 1997;41:458–62. 7. Laporte J, Guiraud-Chaumeil C, Vincent MC, et al. Mutations in the MTM1 gene implicated in X-linkedmyotubular myopathy. ENMC International Consortium on Myotubular Myopathy. European NeuroMuscular Center. Hum Mol Genet 1997;6:1505-11. 8. Bartsch O, Kress W, Wagner A, et al. The novelcontiguous gene syndrome of myotubular myopathy(MTM1), male hypogenitalism and deletion in Xq28: report of the first familial case. Cytogenet Cell Genet 1999;85:310-4. 9. Bates PA, Kelley LA, MacCallum RM, et al. Enhancement of protein modeling by human intervention inapplying the automatic programs 3D-JIGSAW and3D-PSSM. Proteins 2001;S5(Suppl 5):39-46. 10. Biancalana V, Caron O, Gallati S, et al. Characterisation of mutations in 77 patients with X-linked myotubular myopathy, including a family with a very mild phenotype. Hum Genet 2003;112:135-42. 11. Hu LJ, Laporte J, Kress W, et al. Deletions in Xq28 in two boys with myotubular myopathy and abnormal genital development define a new contiguous gene syndrome in a 430 kb region. Hum Mol Genet 1996;5:139-43. 12. Fukami M, Wada Y, Miyabayashi K, et al. CXorf6 is a causative gene for hypospadias. Nat Genet 2006;38:1369-71. 13. Kalfa N, Liu B, Klein O, et al. Mutations of CXorf6 are associated with arrange of severities of hypospadias. Eur J Endocrinol 2008;159:453-8. 14. Chen Y, Thai HT, Lundin J, et al. Mutational study of the MAMLD1-gene in hypospadias. Eur J Med Genet 2010;53:122-6. 15. Qian C, Lin HW, Sun P, et al. Research of MAMLD1 gene in Hypospadias. J Clin Pediatr Surg 2012;11:106-11. Figure Legends Figure 1. Mutations of MAMLD1, the number represents the exon serial number, the black area represents the coding region. Table 1à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ½Clinic phenotypes of 72 patients with hypospadias Table 2. Patients complicated by other genitourinary system malformations Table 3. Mutations of MAMLD1 gene screened in patients and controls

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Celtic Appreciation of Nature Essay -- essays research papers

The Celtic Appreciation of Nature In doing this assignment, I was looking forward to becoming more appreciative of nature, and all that it has to offer us, wanting a better understanding of it all. It seems that we take all of the beauty of our earth for granted, we are spoiled and it shows. In completing this practicum, I hoped to return to a state of mind where everything I see has beauty in it, like a baby seeing things for the first time, when everything is so fascinating, that touching it in complete awe is all I want to do. The Celtic appreciation of nature is what influenced the path I took with this day of reflection. The way they loved it as though it was their child, the way they respected it as though it was their mother, and even the way they feared it, as if it was their school principle (for lack of a better term). They held Mother Earth’s gifts in such high regard, and that is what, to me, is so wonderful about them. Throughout the day I told myself repetitively that, â€Å"The world was not created for us, but us for her.† I felt that personifying earth was more appropriate, considering it’s so alive with so many things that are, and possibly will forever be, unfathomable to us. This was my Lorica, I also wrote a poem that is at the end that meant a lot to me and reflects the way I felt while the sun was descending.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I referred a lot to the Thomas Berry video, recognizing the fact that his feelings are another inspiration for this day. He too, feels that we are way to ungrateful of our natural surroundings, and that we should alter our ways to preserve what is left. I also used an internet article by Carl McColman titled, â€Å"Celtic Spirituality: an Interfaith Approach – What is Celtic Spirituality?† he also describes the Celtic Faith as being: â€Å"†¦earthy, natural, of the soil, of the clay. This is true whether your particular flavor of Celtic wisdom is Pagan, Christian, New Age, or some hybrid thereof. Celtic spirituality is the spirituality of land, sea, and sky; of the rocks and the trees and the animals; of holy wells and standing stones and windswept tors. The earth is our mother; we must take care of her . . . this is not only a native American sentiment, it is a truly Celtic sentiment as well.† ( I felt this was a wonderful statement, because it was what I was thinking the majority of the time ... ...beautiful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But through all this wonderful mental â€Å"working out,† I had one fear, the fear that sticks with me no matter where I go, the fear of failure. Whenever that thought crept into my mind, my body became so paralyzed with fear that I would get this immense sensation of being hot. I could feel my face turn a bright shade of crimson, and my eyes welled up with tears to the point that one time all I could do was break down.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have to admit; coming into this assignment I was very apprehensive. It seemed really â€Å"out there† and a big waste of my time to sit alone for 5 hours straight. Even in the beginning, while I was there I was wary of it all. I almost had to laugh at myself at some points. But as my day carried on, I learned, felt, and absorbed so much, that now I feel ashamed for ever doubting it. And now I have this grasp of nature and spirituality as one common ground that I thought I would never have. I take the time to stop and think about if what I have been taught, or everything I believed to be true ever was. I question things instead of just accepting them. I go beyond the surface of everything in life now.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Educational Philosophy A Reflective Comparison

each pedagogue has the lower limit of five old ages of experience. In comparing my educational doctrine in which I have gain through their old ages of experience. I will besides contrast their doctrine along side of my ain. At manus there are assorted diverse constructions in doctrine utilized in our instruction construction today. It is non unnatural to separate extra doctrines integrated in a school or schoolroom environment. While incorporating the assorted educational positions in the schoolroom, one would be obliged to hold construction of their schoolroom community. An person who enjoys learning will invariably prevail to develop their comprehension and acclimatise with the changing era. PhD Elise Kirchoff an pedagogue of 25 plus old ages in instruction has the assurance, creativeness and bravery ; individualizing has she would show her instruction manner. She believes in being convenient in order to be lissome towards each pupil acquisition demands. PhD Kirchoff besides considers mortal true within our school territory ; instructors contain a kind of freedom in their academic professionalism when it extends to choose on methods of direction and developing lessons. Meaning it all depends on the territory 1 may work for. As clip goes by each coevals instruction, larning potency does vary. The instruction manner educated in the early 80 ‘s is most likely infective in today ‘s schoolroom. PhD Kirchoff agrees in non being prepared on holding to make â€Å" throng control † ( Kirchoff ) . Though in the methods of subject in maintaining a schoolroom orderly focused and respectful she replied, have zero tolerance in schoolroom breaks would maintain the le sson traveling. With 30 old ages of learning experience PhD Kirchoff feels NCLB has non aided in her ability to learn, it has footing an surplus in paper work as an option. However throughout her old ages of learning she has come to appreciate the diverseness of legion pupils and how each pupil acquisition demands are inimitable. There are no cooky cutter lessons for particular need pupils. Jason Keller with 10 old ages of learning experience nine old ages in physical instruction while one twelvemonth in particular instruction. Keller Teachs in the BIC unit ( behavioural unit ) he based his replies toward his category. He based entirely on the unit for the ground of, when I set up the interview he was merely able to reply as a particular instruction instructor non has physical instruction instructor in which he has 9 old ages of experience. That said Keller ‘s personal strengths he finds particularly helpful in learning is to be patient and understanding. The pupils who are placed here have utmost emotional, behavioural jobs non including their disablements. Keller describes his instruction manner geared toward positive support instead than ensue and hit oriented, more advancement and betterment based. In comparing to PhD Kirchoff, Keller besides deems on the belief of holding the freedom to academic methods of direction and developing lessons. Both feel the same about NCLB, how it has non made their occupation as pedagogues any easier. Merely it has been a load of paperwork. Where they experience the clip is wasted on alternatively on category direction. Jessica Morales five old ages of schoolroom direction, Morales finds strengths particularly helpful in her instruction describe as, willingness to ne'er give up. When feeling overwhelmed, one needs to be able to stay unagitated and take a deep breath. Her teaching manner is flexible a manner to suit to all her pupils demands. In pull offing her to be flexible for the diverseness of each of her pupils it takes some work, though she feels the more that she gets to cognize her pupils, the easier it becomes. It will ne'er be wholly easy, but you will larn to suit your pupils. In comparing to these fantastic pedagogues my educational doctrine I would depict as being able to intrust the instruction and development to every pupil in malice of cultural or cultural background or economic position. However, my educational doctrine encloses by wrought of legion effects ; in trusting on my philosophic foundation to assist me construct both content and teaching method. It is of import to hold strong beliefs, grounded in sound theory to steer our teaching.A It is every bit imperative to go on unfastened minded to innovative tendencies and techniques that may advance our students.A In naming an educational doctrine motionless it will non be eligible ; it alters with clip and apprehension, and I will persistently copy, detect, and filtrate what I believe and why I believe it. As I gain knowledge my doctrine will alter, take a few things out or taking a few things in. A Among these changes I am unfastened to anything and my positions will be flexible and as unfastened to sentiments as I can be. A When I tell my pupils to woolgather, purpose for the stars, I am stating they can suppress a new end each new twenty-four hours, and so I will hold succeeded in my schoolroom. As an pedagogue I have seen the impact on pupil ‘s lives as their instructor the positive influence we have towards them to go good function theoretical accounts in society. We as instructors and students to the system learn something every twenty-four hours. I anticipate bring forthing a affecting experience within my pupils ; whereby they develop comprehension, include an optimistic ego reg ard and connubial motivation.A The apprehension they attain will be nonsubjective oriented and syllabus driven.A The manner I achieve this will fluctuate intrusting on the eccentricity of peculiar category and the pupils in the category. Finally, professional development is compulsory for whichever instructor who obtains unremitting self betterment. A I am non merely an pedagogue ; I am facilitator in the instruction development and supply a positive function theoretical account to society. A I contain an digesting answerability to magnify my comprehension of both capable affair and sophistication, and to invariably re-examine my proceedings and course of study in response to a continuously altering environment. As an educationist I need to be enthusiastically attentive of the place I participate in a pupil ‘s existence.A Life suggestions an incomputable district of educational duties, each forcing personal growing and extended cognition with each individual.A As a instructor, I need to be a supple to the character that validates an unqualified, reliable blessing of all my pupils and invariably petitions to help an instruction that counterparts each individual.A In my schoolroom, I will show a secure, an environment which encourages a regard of persons self construct and larning style.A Many have an of import input to suggest to this world.A In any circumstance I will help pupils in their hunt of their individuality immediate to the extended ends of instruction.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Palestinian Israeli Conflict

Essay on Palestinian Israeli Conflict Essay on Palestinian Israeli Conflict Munther Dajani Professor Larsen Writing 121 Nov. 8th, 2012 Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Unit 2 â€Å"The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is one of the most enduring and complex in the modern world and continues to entangle and engage the international community to this day.† (Milton-Edwards 2). It seems as though every super power and any international affairs controversies are constantly enveloped in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as you know. Why is such an important matter, like this conflict, in politics around the world? Most people here in the U.S. believe that this is a conflict due to the Middle East’s constantly reoccurring conflicts and will usually side with the Israeli’s, due to their western support. It impacts much of the Middle East conflicts and politics, which seem to be extremely abundant in our news today. This conflict takes place in what is now known as the Palestinian territory and the state of Israel. Palestine, as it was once known and still called by the Arabs and Palestinians who refuse the acceptance of an Israeli state, is one of the holiest places on Earth, containing holy sites for all three of the major religions; Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Genocide, occupation, terrorism, refugees, war crimes, and peace agreements are all topics that can surface when this topic is discussed. The relationship between the Israelis and Palestinians is a deep and complex one and cannot be simply explained or solved. The United States, Britain, France, and many nations in the Middle East all had major parts in the birth of the Israeli state. Following events that took place in Europe, such as the holocaust, colonialism, and world wars, aided in the development of a Jewish state, which was established not under the Jewish peoples, but through the British occupied Palestine, who essentially created the state of Israel with British foreign interests in mind. Obviously, this caused alarm for the Palestinian peoples and initiated the foundation for the present conflict. To me, I feel connected to this topic because I have personally been to Palestine and Israel and have seen the situation that it is today. I have relatives that live there and what I have seen has been alarming as to what I have learned about the situation. Decades of war and bloodshed bring us to the problematic situation of today, where peace negotiations still seem to be but imperfectly realized by both sides of the conflict. So then, why is peace so difficult to achieve and can the actions taken to create a Jewish state be justified? First, we start by exploring the complex historical background of the conflict before us. Palestine was its own state under control by the Muslim Ottoman Empire, which controlled much of the Middle East region. Why then, did this Jewish immigration begin and with the help of the British? In Beverly Milton-Edwards’, Professor in the School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy at Queens University Belfast and author of Islamic Foun dationalism Since 1945 and Contemporary Politics in the Middle East, The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A People's War, states that, â€Å"factors such as the spiritual attachment and renaissance in romantic Christian association with Zion and the Jewish people, led to a growing sympathy for the Zionist cause of a Jewish state.† (Milton-Edwards 3). Dr. Milton-Edwards may have bias with the Israeli position because of his background in England and Israel. His book seems legitimate since it was published and reviewed. Knowing that the British have history with the idea of supporting the Jewish state, it explains why they would help establish Israel for the Jewish people. But question is then, why would there be interest for the British to waste time and resources on helping out the Zionist idea? Well, Dr. Milton-Edwards also explains how by establishing this Jewish state in the Middle East, it would give the British a slice of control over the Middle East region

Monday, October 21, 2019

Human Resource and Cross Cultural Diversity of Holiday inn The WritePass Journal

Human Resource and Cross Cultural Diversity of Holiday inn Introduction Human Resource and Cross Cultural Diversity of Holiday inn IntroductionCompany background  History of the CompanyFeatures of Holiday InnOrganizational ChartHRM ActivitiesPLANNINGa. Long term planb. Short term planc. Benchmarkingd. Contingency Planninge. Participatory PlanningJOB ANALYSISEmployee RecruitmentInternal Recruitment:External Recruitment:SELECTIONOrientation PlacementTraining DevelopmentOn-Job Training:Off-job Training:PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL  360 DEGREE PERFORMANCE APPRAISALSEMPLOYEE RELATIONSEmployee remunerationEmployees Benefits and servicesEmployee Welfare  Industrial relation:Managerial DiversityRecommendationsConclusionREFERENCESRelated Introduction This report is a research about human resource and cross cultural diversity of Holiday inn. Almost all professional’s work with different cultural backgrounds and communication styles. Developing communication skills with different people requires honesty, trust and respect. In this report the main objective will be about how holiday inn manages its employees and the aspects of managing cultural diversity. There will be descriptions about the HR policies and how holiday inn overcomes its problems relating to HR. Company background   Holiday Inn is a subsidiary of Intercontinental Hotel Groups (IHG).IHG operates 7 brands of hotel worldwide and the headquarters are in the UK. The chain includes intercontinental hotels and resorts crown plaza hotel and resort holiday inn express stay bridge suites holiday inn hotels and resort hotel indigo candlewood suites Holiday Inn is a stylish hotel which offers refreshing simplicity. Holiday Inn is the most recognized hotel brand in the world with a global reputation for service, comfort, value and location. After the prelaunch of Holiday Inn, today it has come up with its many chains and sub branches like holiday Inn Express, Holiday Inn Club Vacations and Holiday Inn Garden Court. With over more than 3000 branches worldwide and 65 in the UK it has become the largest hotel chain. Its main aim is to full fill customer’s desire and employees need. That’s why holiday inn has come up with value offers; priority club rewards occasion’s offers for the comfort of its customers. For easy access it also provides online booking, lend rooms for meetings, conferences and many other such facilities for more comport and ease of customers. This hotel is conveniently located and you can find them through out the world or just outside the Airport. Today, Holiday Inn is proud to be an Official Olympic partner 2012 in London. This will include hosting the world’s athletes and welcoming them to Holiday inn family. They also be providing flexible employment so that they can earn while train. History of the Company    The foundation of Holiday inn was in 1952. It was opened in Memphis, Tennessee by Kemmons Wilson. He also wanted to provide less-costly accommodations for families. So he teamed-up with Wallace E. Johnson. Kemmons Wilson first came up with the idea to team-up following a road trip to Washington, D.C. He claims to have been so disappointed with the quality of the roadside motels he encountered, that he wanted to do something that would bring change. The name of the Holiday Inn franchise was originally provided as a joke by architect Eddie Bluestein. Bluestein was making reference to the Bing Crosby movie. The chain grew dramatically in 1957, following the chain’s official renaming as Holiday Inn. Within one year, there were over fifty Inns throughout America. In 1968, the 1000th Holiday Inn opened in San Antonio; Texas. In 1970’s The Holiday Inn chain led the motel market, putting a huge amount of financial pressure on more traditional hotels. It also set the standard fo r copycat competitors like Days Inn, Ramada Inn, Best Western and Howard Johnson’s. When Wilson was featured on the cover of Time Magazine in 1972, there were over 1,400 Holiday Inn hotels worldwide. The decision to include indoor pools at many of the chains, further brought customers flocking through the doors. Wilson retired from his work with Holiday Inn in 1979. Holiday Inn lost its dominance over the market in the 1980s. In 1988, the franchise was bought by Bass Brewers, which would later become the InterContinental Hotels Group. Two years later, the Holiday Inn Hotels located in the United States were also purchased after Wilson sold his remaining interest in the company. Holiday Inn is still a name that can be used by leasing the brand franchise from InterContinental who holds the rights to it. In January 2002; the company produced a new 130-room Next Generation prototype hotel to rebuild the brand. It included a bistro-like restaurant and an indoor pool. The first of these prototype hotels, the Holiday Inn Gwinnett Center, was built in Duluth, Georgia, in 2003.On 24 October 2007; IHG announced a worldwide prelaunch of the Holiday Inn brand. The prelaunch is focused on delivering consistently best in class service and physical quality levels, including a redesigned welcome experience [and] signature bedding and bathroom products The first prelaunch Holiday Inn opened in the USA in the spring of 2008. Currently there are more than 2,500 prelaunch Holiday Inn brand hotels around the world and the Holiday Inn global brand prelaunch process is on track to be completed by the end of 2010. In September 2008, IHG announced the creation of a new timeshare brand, Holiday Inn Club Vacations, a strategic alliance with The Family of Orange Lake Resorts. Holiday inn relaunch was the biggest relaunch ever in the history of hotel industry. Jane Bednall from Holiday Inn said: The Holiday Inn relaunch is all about focusing on what matters most to our guests a modern, contemporary hotel with friendly efficient service and offering a great nights sleep. Weve teamed up with Diversity to bring this to life for our guests in a fun and entertaining way and to mark our 100threlaunched hotel in Europe. The Dance Inn not only shows off what a relaunched Holiday Inn hotel looks like, but also gives people some great moves for the dance floor. Features of Holiday Inn 9 Floors 120 Guest rooms 68 Double Bedded rooms 52 Single Bedded rooms 8 Suites 1 Special rooms for disables Downtown Cocktail Longue Gym Swimming Pool Travel Desk 3 Restaurants Car Rental desk On-site business facilities Kid Suites room Organizational Chart Holiday inn organizes its management in a very authentic way. The organizational chart is a vertical one where the General Manager is the main head of the organization and if in absences of him/her the executive secretary is in charge. The chart shows a centralized power and formal control system. This essentially indicates that there is a routine task for every department and strictly emphasis on its rules and regulations. This helps to smoothen in the operation of the organization which clearly defines who is responsible for what. Also, helps to provide a consultation on what the organization core and culture is about and how to proceed the organization infrastructure to support those needs. The HR holds the responsibilities in formation of the hotel and its employees. HR has HRM Activities There are certain rules and process to be carried out by the HR department for a refined performance in the hotel by the employees and the heads themselves. PLANNING Planning is a process to accomplish goals. It should be real depending upon the activities. Holiday Inn basically follows 5 planning rules. a. Long term plan Long term plan is achieving respect from every traveler by being the number one choice and to earn revenue for the establishment of a better business. b. Short term plan It’s main focus to be friendly and caring with all its customers and to give comfort feeling of stay. Normally, Holiday Inn focuses in short term plan. The plans are made accordingly to its financial matters entirely by the management department. Furthermore, the term â€Å"Manning† is also applied by the HR manager in the hotel. In this process the HR has to maintain a proper record of employees working in a specific year and to maintain the number of employees. c. Benchmarking As Holiday Inn is a franchise of Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG), it has to maintain a standard of benchmarking of hotels competing against ING. d. Contingency Planning Every organization has a contingency plan for every department. For Example, In Holiday Inn, The contingency plan in the HR department is, if the chief chef leaves the hotel for any reason the hotel will hire a trained chef for a certain period of time under contract basis until Holiday Inn finds its own chef. By having a contingency plan it helps the organization to avoid halt of operations during emergencies and helps to cope with unexpected situations and developments. e. Participatory Planning This plan refers to involvement of every staffs and workers in the hotel to formulate and carry out a plan. Different employees inspire different plan which helps for further decision. The HR is responsible to make sure every employee has an implemented plan, this leads for a better efficiency of work in the hotel. The main objective of planning is to focus on future demand and to get the right people with right number of employee in the organization. The Human resouces Process needs to be implemented which helps for future personnel needs , cope up with sudden and future change, create highly talented personnel and internal expansion with good reputation of the company. JOB ANALYSIS HR plays the major role in job specification, description and performance standards. The first step is to complete a formal job analysis for each position. Holiday inn evaluates the information provided by concerned department heads. The observation and interviews are the major sources taken care by the HR department. Holiday inn has a certain rules for job analysis where step by step process is implemented. Firstly, they check the job information with accuracy then write a job description based in the information proved and determine the skills, abilities and knowledge that is required. In this process all the involvement of employee is untaken for collecting job related information’s, duties and responsibilities. Mainly job analysis is considered as gathering information, processing them, giving job description and specification. Holiday Inn makes its analysis by observations, interviews and questionnaire’s where specialists are assigned in co operation with manages, supervisors and employees. To design a job, the specialists are required where HR plays the role in recruitment, Selection, training and other practices in the Hotel of employee. Lastly, the job analysis form or samples is printed with job title, job description, reporting person duties and responsibilities. Employee Recruitment Employee recruitment in simple term is recruiting qualified employees. There are certain regulations to be followed by the HR manager for recruitment process. The HR manager is responsible for designing and implementing the process that will fulfill the industry’s needs. Furthermore the HR is responsible for finding sources of applicants, writing and placing the advertisements, contracting agencies and schools. Holiday Inn divides its recruiting process in two terms: Internal Recruitment: This type of recruitment is mostly in practice in Holiday inn. Here, it focuses in present employee’s application for required position. Then if there is any reference from current or former workers is taken under consideration. External Recruitment: External recruitment is a difficult part for the HR manager. Finding a candidate from outside the organization needs a lot of thinking. The effectiveness and success of the organization depends on the external recruitment process. External recruitment done in this hotel is placing advertisements in new papers/radio/television, contacting universities/colleges/institutes or agencies, walk-in interviews, etc The HR department of Holiday in practices its recruitment process in six stages. Planning Strategic development Searching Screening Evaluation control SELECTION Different hotels have different selection process. It basically depends upon the managerial policies. Selecting a candidate is a long process from the time of interview to final contract. HR manager has all the responsibility to hire the person/candidate with the best abilities, skills and knowledge. The format of Holiday Inn in selection process is Taking application forms Screening the forms Interviews selected forms( job interview and personal interview) Testing( oral and written tests) Selection in probation ( which takes 3 months time) Background and reference check Physical examination Hiring on the basis of permanent or part-time contract. Once a candidate is hired his/her performance is evaluated every month by the supervisors. Holiday inn selection is made positively supporting the diversity and selection is made according to the requirement of the job. Orientation Placement After the selection process is over Holiday inn introduces each employee to its new job, co workers and organization. This is done for the comfort of new employees. Orientation about every department and every employee is given which normally takes 2-3 weeks. Placement is giving the right job to the new candidate. Mainly assessment classification is placed for newly hired employee. Training Development Training and development activities are carried on in order to implant specific skills, knowledge and ability in an employee. Holiday inn believes that effective training is the success of a hotel. There are two techniques which holiday Inn implies: On-Job Training: This type of training requires planning and supervision for effective development in practice and employee oriented capabilities. This training is cost effective. Assigning workers in sales, food beverage department, check in, check out positions are practically done in training. Furthermore, list of sequel steps are that should be correctly followed and required materials/tools are provided for effective training. In the end, feedback from every candidate is undertaken and evaluated. Off-job Training: The three main focus of off-job training is in-house, external and independent. Where, in In-house lectures, demonstrations and technical knowledge is provided. External focuses on discipline concerned with hospitality and finally independent focuses on training methods controlled and managed by the learner himself. Which includes, computer assisted learning and interactive visual learning. The training process of Holiday inn is categorized as:   Assessing training needs preparing the training plans specifying training objectives designing the training program selecting the structural methods completing the training plan conducting the training evaluation the training placing further training (if required) This process helps in developing the potential in every employee to make a long term successful career. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Performance appraisal is the actual performance of an employee, behavior on duty and potential for future. It is generally done for the promotion or termination on an employee. There are different methods of appraisal in different hotels but commonly used is rating scale method which is either done on day to day performance or questionnaire. Challenges of performance Appraisal In Holiday Inn create an Excellence in culture and environment for every employee encourage the employee to make their own decision without the fear of failing provide and implement new challenges Developments of growths for skilled employees. The main process of Appraisal is: To set objectives of Performance Appraisal Establish job expectation Design an Appraisal programmer Performance interview In use of appraisal data.   360 DEGREE PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS 360 DEGREE appraisal involves process of receiving feedback from people whose views are considered useful for future. 360 degree feedback is typically provided in a form indicating skills, behavior, and scoring judgment process. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Taking in consideration, with the ride of misbehaviors and unethical practices taking place in age, gender, religion discrimination and harassment, there needs to be a fair treatment to every employee. The HR department acts in involvement as liaison between entities, agencies and employees who should properly address and resolve the issues. For better performance, positive relation between organization and employees should be well maintained. Holiday inn basically concerns better relation of employees in the following: Employee remuneration The HR department determines the remuneration policy. In holiday inn, the external and internal factors are taken under consideration which deals with factors like cost of living, labour laws, economy, ability to pay the employees, performance appraisal, incentive payments. The hotel provides incentives to its well being employees which is decided by the HR manager. Employees Benefits and services The benefits and services provided by the hotel is Insurance, social secutity, worker’s compensation and even pay for not working hours such as annual leaves, sick leaves, casual leave, maternity leaves. The furthermore services provided are: One time free lunch and twice tea break Discount on hotel rooms and food Appreciation letter Award for employee of the month. Employee Welfare The term refers in taking care of the worker’s. it also refers in recognizing the value of workers,   motivating them, building up local hotel reputation and minimizing social evils. The HR department has one more role to participate in and keep the record of health of every employee.   Industrial relation: Holiday inn firstly established its relation with Gulf Oil Corporation in 1963, which was a long tern contract but ended up in 1982. In the past, the hotel went through many conflicts due to its name and logos. After the relaunch of Holiday Inn and becoming a subsidiary of Intercontinental Hotel Groups, it became success in establishing its reputation again in the hospitality industry. Today Holiday inn has many contacts with many other industrial brands such as a collective agreement with national automobile, aerospace and transportation of Canada. IHG announced in August 2010, that it has signed a franchises agreement with Alianza Fiduciara for building up a new branch of Holiday Inn in Columbia. There are more than 55 holiday inn brand in German’s and some is under constructions. Holiday Inn plays a major role in participating in IHG’s guest’s loyalty programmer. Managerial Diversity Managerial diversity is simply the differences between people of different gender, ethnic group, personality, color, background, education and so on. The Hr manager needs to effectively deal with the change, adaptability and communication of the employees in the organization. Holiday Inn is ready to spend resources in the management of diversity. But there are some challenges of diversity which arises such as communication which is a major problem in an organization, the resistance to change, which majority of the employee do not accept. The implementation of diversity in workplace is important aspect to think for the HR. holiday Inn one of those hotels which allows every employee to express its views and ideas. Recommendations When strengthening competitiveness take place many industry choose internal management actions including training and education and announcing employee pay role which is a lot of burden for the HR department. In Holiday Inn, to achieve progress there should be innovation of culture within the organization, which can help to cope up with arising challenges. The HRM should participate on more advice of management at all levels about implication of various practical policies. Programs such as job enrichment, incentive system should be purposed. More female worker should be introduced without any discrimination. The communication barriers needs to overcome and should be ready participation on adapting change. Many workers refuse to accept the fact of cultural changing in workplace. There should be proper tranined, motivated and more importantly flexible workplace. There is a very lengthy process of recruitment which should be minimized. Involvement of every employee should be taken in co nsideration of executive diversity. The hotel should permit the employees to join the crew on a permanent basis. Lastly, the hotel should participate in some corporate social activities as it is a part of the social well-being. Conclusion Hotel industry has similar work policy. Holiday Inn is a well known hotel which changes according to traveler’s need. It has made ease for every customers with online reservation facilities. The good HR policy will not only be the policy which only considers HR function with care but consider them as a culture of hotel policy. In Holiday Inn, employee care is the first policy. This gives a comfortable feeling to the employee which motivates them to work with interests. The working environment is quite friendly which helps employees to discuss their problems without hesitation. There is no discrimination made regardless age, gender, color, nationality, disabilities and so on. The responsibility of HR is much higher in Holiday Inn. The problem arising in HR department is systematically resolved .The cultural diversity is sometimes the major problem which should be taken under consideration .Lastly, as economy became global the work force becomes diverse .The Hotel’s succe ss depends on how it manages the diversity in the work place. Therefore, evaluation of organization diversity policy and plans for the future is completely necessary. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

PrepScholar Works Well for Top Scorers

PrepScholar Works Well for Top Scorers SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Wondering how to get the last few points that could get you into your dream school? PrepScholar has innovative and exclusive features that can be your best friends come test day. We Tailor Content to You Nothing is more frustrating for students than going through the motions of â€Å"learning† something they alreadyknow. The big classroom SAT and ACT prep courses, however, lump 100% of students into whatever groups sign up for that time and place, and â€Å"teach† them 100% of the same material in every single class. This is a recipe for disaster (and boredom!) for top scorers who don’t need to spend time learning the formula for the area of a triangle. So PrepScholar tests you at the start of the course. Then, based on your performance on questions that test each individual skill, we give you a lesson at the correct level for your scoreif you answer almost every question correctly, you’re going to get all Advanced Lessons and Advanced or higher level questions. Obviously if you have no trouble with easier questions, you don’t need to practice them, and we understand that. We Give You Strategies That Can Make the Difference Top-quality test content and skill analysis is only part of the package, however. Some of PrepScholar’s most innovative lessons are Strategy Lessons, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of understanding and mastering the SAT and ACT. These are also split up into multiple skill levels, the highest of which includes the lessons â€Å"Advanced: Writing the Essay† and â€Å"Getting a Top Score.† The bottom line is that jumping from 2000 to 2300 is different than jumping from 1200 to 1500, and we give you the tools to make the jump you need. Lower scoring students need to skip certain difficult questions, for example, and Top Scorers need to learn how to get those questionsby multiple methods. This is what our strategy lessons are designed to do. Specifically, we show you how to reduce careless mistakes, how to allocate your time precisely so you can answer every question with certainty, and how to approach the toughest questions in multiple ways. We Are 2400 Scorers As a cohort of perfect and 99th percentile scorers, we intimately understand the problems at the top. We have vast experience with all types of SAT and ACT prep, including traditional classroom prep, and have worked hard to avoid their mistakes. We’ve watched top scorers in classrooms get bored and miss the information that could actually help them; we know what it’s like to be one of those students. We also know the frustrations of irrelevant or unnecessary work, and eliminate it from your personalized course. Finally, our hardest questions are designed by SAT and ACT experts and easily match the difficulty of the hardest SAT and ACT questions, and we’re available to explain them if the explanations aren’t sufficient. And for the biggest boost to your score, consider PrepScholar Tutoring, the ultimate personalized companion to your SAT and ACT mastery. If you found this article interesting or helpful, please consider signing up to hear from us at right. Your information will never be shared or sold.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Postpartum Depression Pamphlet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Postpartum Depression Pamphlet - Assignment Example It is the professional calling of the medical staff to inform every pregnant mother well in time, as if she is among those 1 of the 10, likely to be affected by postpartum depression. Even if she is not the one, the knowledge about the salient features of the pamphlet is invaluable. The personal experience of Sebastian is an eye-opener for all the mothers. She recalls â€Å"After all, I had wanted this baby very much. So even though I thought I was prepared, I was caught off guard by the roller coaster of my moods† (p.1). So it is desirable for each woman to familiarize with the various issues related to postpartum depression and face the eventuality boldly and with fortitude. The list is not exhaustive and contains some introductory features. The medical fraternity knows that each individual is different and as such the issues have varying impacts, depending upon the level of progression of a particular person who needs the services. 1. About 10 percent of the women are going to suffer from postpartum depression. Imagine for a while that you are going to be one of them. If you are not one, it is still advisable for you to own the knowledge as you can always share this precious advice for the benefit of your friends and relatives when the occasion demands. Sebastian cautions â€Å"If new mothers and their families realize that depression and anxiety are possible, they may seek early treatment before the symptoms worsen† (p.13). Such mothers have a new responsibility of a life that has just arrived on Planet Earth. 2. Prevention is always better than cure and as such you need to identify the symptoms. 3. Notice the mood change and some sort of sinking feelings in the first or second week after the birth of the child. 4. The duration of the state of depression may be well up to twelve months barring extreme cases when it will be of longer duration. 5. From the point of view of treatment, each woman is different, each one is special. 6. PPD can be a transmitted phenomenon, meaning family history counts. 7. If the problem has been there during the first pregnancy, it may recur during the second and subsequent pregnancies. 8. Do introspection and you are likely to get answers for some of the issues. Your problem may be due to an unwanted pregnancy, a complicated child birth and a child being born with acute ailments. 9. The Joint Family System is an element of fiction now. The young couple believes in the concept of ‘it is my life and I’ll live it according to my choices’. Whether that approach is right or wrong is another issue. When the first flush of infatuation-dominated love is over, the realities related to the married life come to the fore. With the arrival of one little baby, the entire perception of life changes drastically. Now the mother has to face the caretaking responsibility of her newborn with little or no help, and she regrets for having isolated herself from the elders of the family. When the outside world is not actively co-operating with her in her hour of need, she develops postpartum depression. 10. Hormonal changes that happen during and after pregnancy are the contributing factors. 11. Bouts of depression are normal part of life. The new mother thinks about the consequences of enormous responsibility that she has been

Friday, October 18, 2019

Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Question - Essay Example Yes water affects mass wasting processes. Water reduces adhesive forces been the soil among other debris materials thereby facilitating mass wasting. Additionally, water often has force large enough to move material including large debris down the stream. The downward movement of loose and unconsolidated materials including soil and sediment is often due to force of gravity. At the point where the soil among other consolidated materials is not moving down the hill, such material are held in place with frictional force. The point at which the gravitational and frictional force balances is referred to angle of repose. This is the maximum angle that a friction force can hold loose material on the surface of the earth not to move downhill. Therefore, angles greater than angle of repose usually lead to mass wasting and at this point the force of gravity is slightly greater than frictional force holding the same materials. Soil creeping is a long term mass wasting process and it combine the movement of small and rocky materials in undirected direction. The movement of such materials are often facilitated by force of gravity. The creep usually do much damage since it leads to collection of materials over time especially behind trees; thus, it may lead to landslides triggered mainly by these tree particularly in cases that they lose root

Child Development Theories in Focus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Child Development Theories in Focus - Essay Example Focus will be on Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model which links development to the child’s various factors in the environment that influence the child’s experiences, learning and growth. The selected developmental stage to be discussed in this paper is the early childhood stage (age 2-6 years). In order to have a clearer picture of early child development, other theoretical frameworks by Piaget, Erikson, Freud, Maslow, Vygotsky and Bowlby shall also be referred to in conjunction with Brofenbrenner’s model as the theoretical framework of this paper. If applicable, the significance of the theory to early childhood children shall be discussed especially if the theory describes certain developmental stages. Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model (1979) explains that the behaviour and development of an individual is an interplay of the individual’s biological and personality factors, his environment and the society and culture he was born into. Brofenbren ner also claims that effects of interactions between the individual and his environment are two-directional or characterized by reciprocity. This means that while a child’s development is influenced and moulded by his family, school and peers, he likewise influences and moulds the behaviour of others. The growing child moves through five systems that inter-relate and affect his development, namely, the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. The most basic ecological level is the microsystem, where direct contacts between the child and his immediate surroundings result in behaviours such as dependence or independence and cooperation or competition. An example of this is the home base of the child and his relationship with his family. The pure culture of the society the family lives in greatly influences how the family lives and how the child imbibes the culture as he expresses it in his developing personality. The microsystem is usually where the chi ld first develops attachments to his significant others like his parents. John Bowlby’s (1982) Attachment theory posit that attachment provides children with a sense of security, promotes communication and the expression of feelings and becomes a secure base for children to discover their world and eventually learn self-regulation and self-control. It is a devise that contributes to children’s developing sense of self. Research done by Rudolph Schaffer (1977) and Jerome Bruner (1977) yielded the concept of ‘joint involvement episodes’ (JIE’s) which may be related to the quality of attachment a child and his or her mother or significant other has. The researchers observed mothers’ and their babies’ behaviour while focused on a potential learning episode. While jointly involved in play, for instance, they fall into a turn-taking pattern of behaviour and such cooperation teaches the child about the rules of their play within a safe and se cure environment with a familiar adult. This gives him more courage to explore his world knowing he has a safe base to return to. The next level of Brofenbrenner’s Ecological model is the mesosystem, which comprises the linkages and processes that take place between two or more settings with the child in common. A perfect example is how learning in school is supported by follow up lessons in the home. At this level, the child gets to understand associations between people and things.

Bayard as the `Unvanquished of the Novels Title Essay

Bayard as the `Unvanquished of the Novels Title - Essay Example Bayard, growing up in the vanquished South and under the influence of a father whose ethos revolves around war and dreams, could have easily absorbed an ethos of self-destruction and vanquishment. Colonel Sartoris’ legacy, and indeed the family heritage, is one of war; a legacy which defines heroism and honour in terms of the destruction of others. It is a legacy which irrevocably defines war as glory and the defeat of others as heroism. Within the context of this legacy, one inherently founded upon the precept of vanquishing the `other,’ In so doing, he ultimately engages in self-destruction. In addition to the above, Colonel Sartoris emerges as a dreamer - a man whose thoughts are so intently focused on his perceptions of honour and on the maintenance of the previously defined legacy that he fails to connect with the reality around him. In articulating the nature of that dream, Drusilla tells Bayard that his father â€Å"is thinking of this whole country which he is trying to raise by its bootstraps, so that all people in it, not just his kind nor his old regiment, but all people, black and white, the women and the children† may enjoy a better life (Faulkner, p. 256). This is an undoubtedly noble and honourable dream but it is, nonetheless, a dream. The very concept of dreams effectively signifies a rupture with, and destruction of, reality. From this perspective, therefore, Bayard is raised in an atmosphere which should have imposed self-destruction upon him, whether consequent to the ethos embraced within the family legacy or that contained within his father’s dreams.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4

Report - Essay Example The following report is going to discuss two companies and their growth – Lazy Oaf Company and Bay & Brown Company. These two companies are major UK textile and apparel manufacturers. This report examines the growth prospects for the two companies trends in fashion have been listed at the close of the report. The aim and objective is to analyze the growth of the industry as a whole with the two companies presenting the model for growth behavior. A company with a vision to originate unconventional, vibrant outfits and frills was well established back in 2001 in East London. It initiated its work by printing t-shirts in a different style called â€Å"Screen Printed T-Shirts† This innovation got great appreciation and got famous in no time. The brand for its quality and uniqueness became reputable and spread its network in Japan, Paris and Italy. Creative designs and distinct style distinguish it from other brands. The company has mission to en light your day with it diverse product range, catering to all ages (Lazy Oaf Company, 2009). Witnessing the current economic downfall throughout the world the company has done remarkably well to maintain its place in the market by taking timely initiatives and launching campaigns and promotional offers that helped it securing its share in the market (Lazy Oaf Prices, 2009). The prices of products have been kept in accordance with the buying ability of masses, not to deprive them their right to buy quality brand. At this critical juncture the performance in terms of growth is uphill with innovation in Fashion stands as essential standpoint. A UK design studio that promotes exclusive compilation of ideas, print designs and notions fabricate for UK and various international fashion industries. Bay and Brown is playing a key role in boosting the image of the company all over the world in terms of setting a benchmark regarding the fine prints and designs famous for their innovation and cost effectiveness (Bay &

Analyze how moses is related to the herioc model Essay

Analyze how moses is related to the herioc model - Essay Example   Moses’ leadership was known as directed by God; He who is God was the One responsible for all the directions and instructions that Moses was giving to his people, the Israelites. Moses goal is to free the Israelites from slavery under the Egyptians and deliver them to the promise land, Canaan, a land where milk and honey were overflowing. But their journey towards the promise had never been that easy, it was a journey accompanied by temptations and bloodshed to which they were strengthened by faith. Their entrance would be accompanied by the power and presence of God Himself, for He alone would be their strength and victory. That God would be with them Israel in their taking of the land was as much a trustworthy promise as the land itself; indeed, perhaps more so. However, as we know, Israel did not really receive the inheritance promised, at least not fully. Forgetting the command of the Lord, they prostituted themselves with other gods and committed idolatry. Eventually, the people of Israel were taken into exile. The Promised Land given to them by God was taken away. The promise remained unfulfilled.As we saw by Moses' response to the oppression of his fellow Jew, he certainly did possess leadership qualities. The model of leadership in the Jewish tradition is not the individual who is willing to subjugate others, rather the individual who is willing to sacrifice for others. Moses was the most modest of men, became the finest leader and teacher that our people have had.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bayard as the `Unvanquished of the Novels Title Essay

Bayard as the `Unvanquished of the Novels Title - Essay Example Bayard, growing up in the vanquished South and under the influence of a father whose ethos revolves around war and dreams, could have easily absorbed an ethos of self-destruction and vanquishment. Colonel Sartoris’ legacy, and indeed the family heritage, is one of war; a legacy which defines heroism and honour in terms of the destruction of others. It is a legacy which irrevocably defines war as glory and the defeat of others as heroism. Within the context of this legacy, one inherently founded upon the precept of vanquishing the `other,’ In so doing, he ultimately engages in self-destruction. In addition to the above, Colonel Sartoris emerges as a dreamer - a man whose thoughts are so intently focused on his perceptions of honour and on the maintenance of the previously defined legacy that he fails to connect with the reality around him. In articulating the nature of that dream, Drusilla tells Bayard that his father â€Å"is thinking of this whole country which he is trying to raise by its bootstraps, so that all people in it, not just his kind nor his old regiment, but all people, black and white, the women and the children† may enjoy a better life (Faulkner, p. 256). This is an undoubtedly noble and honourable dream but it is, nonetheless, a dream. The very concept of dreams effectively signifies a rupture with, and destruction of, reality. From this perspective, therefore, Bayard is raised in an atmosphere which should have imposed self-destruction upon him, whether consequent to the ethos embraced within the family legacy or that contained within his father’s dreams.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analyze how moses is related to the herioc model Essay

Analyze how moses is related to the herioc model - Essay Example   Moses’ leadership was known as directed by God; He who is God was the One responsible for all the directions and instructions that Moses was giving to his people, the Israelites. Moses goal is to free the Israelites from slavery under the Egyptians and deliver them to the promise land, Canaan, a land where milk and honey were overflowing. But their journey towards the promise had never been that easy, it was a journey accompanied by temptations and bloodshed to which they were strengthened by faith. Their entrance would be accompanied by the power and presence of God Himself, for He alone would be their strength and victory. That God would be with them Israel in their taking of the land was as much a trustworthy promise as the land itself; indeed, perhaps more so. However, as we know, Israel did not really receive the inheritance promised, at least not fully. Forgetting the command of the Lord, they prostituted themselves with other gods and committed idolatry. Eventually, the people of Israel were taken into exile. The Promised Land given to them by God was taken away. The promise remained unfulfilled.As we saw by Moses' response to the oppression of his fellow Jew, he certainly did possess leadership qualities. The model of leadership in the Jewish tradition is not the individual who is willing to subjugate others, rather the individual who is willing to sacrifice for others. Moses was the most modest of men, became the finest leader and teacher that our people have had.

Rubicam’s Business College Essay Example for Free

Rubicam’s Business College Essay LAURA: At home†¦ my prized possession was my glass menagerie. [she smiles faintly at the memory] My favourite was the unicorn. However†¦ it broke. I brought the horn here with me. The other part†¦ is with a man. BLANCHE: [she raises her hands in exasperation] Hah! Men! Terrible, hulking brutes most of them are. Especially those Polacks. What was it Wilde said? â€Å"Women are a decorative sex! † If I am to have any chance of happiness I must be innocent, attractive and, most of all, youthful! [Slight polka music can be heard in the distance. ] LAURA: Funny, that sounds like what my mother used to say†¦ Girls are a pretty trap! Screen Image – Amanda Wingfield BLANCHE: [she has a distant look in her eyes as she contemplates the various men that have become part of her past] Yes dear, they are. And don’t you forget it when you’ve still got time. This man who has the unicorn – is he your husband? Boyfriend? LAURA: [getting progressively quieter] In high school Jim was the only one that ever spoke to me. Then he turned up at the house and he†¦ he†¦ kissed me. Of course, he never really liked a cripple like me. He was engaged†¦ [fighting back tears. ] Screen legend – the day at the amusement park BLANCHE: Typical! I too have had my fair share of shocking dates. In New Orleans I met a gentleman named Mitch. [she begins to talk quickly, as if she were addressing herself] I accompanied him to the amusement park on Lake Pontchartrain, a rather dismal place more suited to easily-amused children. However, this was my first date with a gentleman since†¦ since†¦ forever! I could absolutely not afford to mess this one up. [giggly pause] I was as giddy as a schoolgirl courting behind the bicycle shack – not that I would have engaged in such activity, absolutely not – although I fear dear Mitch saw through my facade. I did try. I tried so very hard. I even pretended I was pleased with that ghastly plaster statuette of Mae West. The erogenous nature of her films draws up memories of a past I wish to forget! [the polka music increases in volume and tempo. ] LAURA: [not following] Oh, I see†¦ BLANCHE: Every time I look at a man all I can think of is my dear Allen! I ended up telling Mitch about my past, my marriage, when I was just a girl. It was as if Mitch crashed through the invisible barrier I strived for so long to erect. It just tumbled out! They were words I had desired to tell someone for so long. They had been entombed inside of me for so long it was as if they had gone stale, distasteful even! Even as he embraced me†¦ all I could envisage†¦ was Allan’s desperate touch! [she dramatically outstretches her arms towards an invisible point] Oh Allan, forgive me! [In her fervour BLANCHE knocks over the ketchup bottle, its crimson innards spilling onto her lap. She frantically dabs at it with a serviette, but to no avail. Her white dress has been permanently tarnished, the bloody hue of the condiment combining with the once wholesome dress. ] BLANCHE: [returning to reality with a jolt] Would you look at that mess! What will ever become of us? LAURA: [visibly shaken, but speaking with determination] We can’t let little things like this ruin our lives†¦ When I get discharged I’ll go back to Rubicam’s Business College. Yes, I will! BLANCHE: [she clutches LAURA by the shoulders] You can say that, you’re still young! What hope is there for an old maid like me? [The polka music and The Glass Menagerie combine austerely in the minds of the patients. An unholy union, two entities that never should have met. ] LAURA: [jumping up from her chair, repulsed at being touched] I-I think I’m done here! [in her haste to vacate the table she knocks her plate to the floor, where it duly shatters into countless pieces that dance across the floor. The light reflects off the porcelain pieces, framing LAURA in an impromptu spotlight. The breaking noise is audible over the tumultuous din of the room. Many diners turn to look at the spectacle. ] LAURA: [in a tone of utter despair, covering her face with her hands] No†¦ Stop staring†¦! I’m going to be sick! [Exit LAURA, who runs away from the scene. The cafeteria soon returns to its natural state, having forgotten that Laura Wingfield ever existed. ] BLANCHE: Shakespeare got it right! ‘Alas, I am a woman friendless, hopeless! ’ There is truly no hope for some people in this world! [the sound of the door slamming behind Laura as she flees is audible as the light gradually fades out. ]

Monday, October 14, 2019

Issues in human resource management

Issues in human resource management Human Resource Management is defined as a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organisations most valued assets, the people working there, who individually or collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives. Boxall et al (2007) describe HRM as the management work and people towards desired ends. John Storey (1989) believes that HRM can be regarded as a set of interrelated policies with on ideological and philosophical underpinning. He suggests four aspects that constitute the meaningful version of HRM: A particular constellation of beliefs and assumptions. A strategic thrust informing decisions about people management. The central involvement of line managers. Reliance upon a set of levers to shape the employment relationship. The overall purpose of HRM is to ensure that the organisation is able to achieve success through people. As Ulrich and (1990) remark: HRM systems can be the source of organisational capabilities that allow firms to learn and capitalize on new opportunities. Dyer and Holder (1988) analyse managements HR goals under the dimensions of contribution (what kind of employee behaviour is expected?), composition (what headcount, staffing ratio and skills mix?), competence (what general level of ability is desire), and commitment (what level of employee attachment and identification?). Caldwell (2004) has identified twelve policy goals for HRM: Managing people as assets that are fundamental to the competitive advantage of the organisation; Aligning HRM policies with business policies and corporate strategy; Developing a close fit of HR policies, procedures and systems with one another; Creating a flatter and more flexible organization capable of responding more quickly to change; Encouraging team working and cooperation across internal organizational boundaries; Creating a strong customer-first philosophy throughout the organisation; Empowering employees to manage their own self-development; Developing reward strategies designed to support a performance- driven culture; Improving employee involvement through better internal communication; Building greater employee commitment to the organisation; Increasing line management responsibility for HR policies; Developing the facilitating role of managers as enablers. EX1: Supermarket giant Tesco is offering a massive  £300,000 salary plus bonuses as it starts its search for a new group HR director, Personnel Today can reveal. The HR job, the biggest in the private sector is up for a grabs after Clare Chapman accepted the role of director-general of workforce at the Department of Health. The new confirms that Chapman took a serious cut overall earning to join the public sector in probably the most high-profile and challenging HR job in the UK. She will now earn between 3200,000 and  £220,000for overseeing the people management of 1.3 million staff, a number that dwarfs Tesco 270,000 employees. (Personnel Today, 19 September 2006). But as Dyer and Holder (1998) emphasize: HRM goals vary according to competitive choices, technologies or services tangibles, characteristics of their employees, the state of the labour market and the societal regulations and the national culture. And Boxall, Purcelland and Wright (2007) note that the general motives o HRM are multiples. Managing people at work does not take place in a vacuum. Wider econic, technological, political and social forces influence and shape human resource management (HRM) strategy, policies and practices, global and local economic developments sometimes having an indirect or a multiplier effect. EX2: The electric Giant Siemens, for example, overtakes Philips Electronics, so Philips downsizes and lays off workers. Belt -tightening workers then press for cheaper services from local traders and are prepared to work for lower wages, thereby causing an adjustment in the local labour markets and in the HRM decisions and activities of those organisations affected. William (1993) is one of the number of theorists who have argued the importance of understanding the relationship between economic stability or instability and HRM, but it is not just the economic context that matters. New manufacturing and services technologies, new processes (eg. total quality management and International Organization for Standardization-ISO 9000) and the developments in global telecommunications networks have important ramifications or organizational and work design, and for HRM. Just as significant are demographic changes and the restructuring labour markets that affect the supply of and demand for human resource (HR). Past fluctuations in the birth rate in Anglo-Saxon economies are producing changes in the labour force composition. Human Resource strategies and practices are better understood when they are examined in the broader economic, technological, political and social context that help to shape them ( Maurice and Sorge, 2000). The political factors The political context is the most complex and the most difficult to analyse, both because of its power to shape the nature of the employment relationship and because of its effect on the other contexts. As a result of that power, the social elites in whose hands it lies enjoy immense influence in society, in the political system and in the determination of the states policies and actions ( milliband, 1969). In a social demeocracy, the state has six major responsibilities: Protecting national sovereignty Establishing a legal system Developing economic policies Building basic services and infrastructure Protecting vulnerable people Protecting the environment All these state activities affect business and managers in some way. Human Resource Managers in this case will have for responsibility to educate their staff about the political ideology and continually lobby and seek to influence the policies of the State. HR has help shape and regulates employment relations, and reconcile the conflict that inevitably arises in employment. EX3: Chinas government is worried that the growing gap between rich and poor could provoke more instability this year. The government has announced that the narrowing of the income gap will be one of its main priorities this year and will be at the top of the agenda when Chinas national legislature holds its annual meeting. (Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, 9 February 2006, P. A1). EX4: Protests against Frances new job law escalate Ten of thousands of students marched in protests of a new law that makes it easier to hire and fire young workers. More protests, in which the students will be joined by Frances main unions, are expected. Last month, the countrys government passed a law that it claims will ease the crisis of high unemployment, especially among young disadvantaged young people in the suburbs. CANADIAN HR REPORTER, 17 MARCH 2006 The social factors Change s in the proportion of the population participating in the labour market and chamging demeographics determine the size and composition of the workforce. In addition, people entering the workplace bring with them different attitudes and values relating to work, parentwood, leisure, notions of fairness and organizational loyalty. EX5: IBM labels diversity a strategic imperative. Hiring women, gays, and minorities is about more than doing the right thing. Fishing ius more fun says IBMs dean of diversity, but golf is the game of business which is why, he explains, Big Blue has installed putting greens at some of its on-site day care centers. IBM should be place where people feel comfortable being popenly gay and where women and people from minority group backgrounds have equal opportunity for promotion and advancement, said Mr Childs, who is black. And anyone who has a problem with that need not apply to IBM, he added. IBMs effort to diversify the work force has moved from being a moral imperative to being a strategic imperative. (Virginia Galt, Globe and Mail, 24 June 2002, P.83) Demographic projections are based on the most basic demographic fact: every year each person gets older. Analysing human behaviour to age offers insights into socioeconomic variables. A 30-years old, for instance is more likely to be married than a 20- years old. A-55 year old probably views work differently from25 year old. The ability to forecast behaviour according to age has the advantage of allowing HR managers to know more about the composition of the workforce and their needs. Demographic data are important source of information that can help HR managers in such areas as recruitment and selection, training and rewards management. EX6: Mandatory retirement attacked Government should ban mandatory retirement at age 65 because it discriminates against people who are capable of working and who often need the money, Ontario Human Rights Commissioner Keith Norton said. Mandatory retirement, where age is used to determine the persons employment status, is unacceptable from a human rights perspective, Mr Norton told Queens park news conference. Whether people seek employment and how they respond to HR practices, designed to elicit both control and the consent of employees, will depend on cultural values. Culture is a collective product, consisting of processes and artefacts, produced over long periods of time by large members of individuals, which enables the past to be carried in the present and the future (Parker et al, 2003). Changing culture values have an impact on HRM activities. Changes in traditional gender roles and new lifestyles, for example, change participation rates in the labour market and the way in which workers are motivated and managed in the workplace. The notion of a work-life balance for instance for employees, the need to balance work and leisure/family activities is a hot area in HRM research that is receiving increasing attention from policy- makers and managers (Purcell, 2004; Surges and Guest, 2004). Research on employer work-life balance strategies can have important benefits for organization. E vidence suggests that, in the face of a highly competitive labour market, work-life policies and practices are necessary for attracting, retaining and motivating highly skilled knowledge workers (Scholarios and Marks, 2004). Work- life boundary and work-life balance strategies are closely related to the commitment that knowledge workers give to their employer and are, in addition, necessary for creative and innovative behaviours and organizational culture (De Cieri et al, 2005). Technological factors A number of authors have argued that the use of technology within HR not only makes HR activity more efficient, but may also facilitate a change in emphasis for HRM to become more strategic within the organisation (Lawler and Mohrman 2003; Shrivastava and Shaw 2004). Literature has commented for the idea of HRM as a strategic business partner (Ulrich 1997) rather than in the administrative or transactional role that it has held historically. With the growth of information technology, much administrative can be accomplished using self-service or automated systems, therefore the HR function can, and increasingly does make significant contribution to building a firm that is staffed by the right human capital to carry out the work of the company, and enable the accomplishment of business strategy ( Lawler and Mohrman 2003: 16). Snell et al (2002) have suggested that HR can meet the challenge of simultaneously becoming more strategic, flexilble, cost efficient and customer oriented by lev eraging information technology. IT can lower administrative costs, increase productivity, speed response times, improve decision making and enhance customer service all at the same time. EX7: Norwich Union is the largest insurer in the UK and is part of the Aviva Insurance Group that has more than 60,000 employees. Human Resources within Norwich Union are managed using shared service model. The company uses an Oracle HR information system (HRI) with an extensive system of manager self-service. Managers can use the system to inform fundamental changes with regard to their employees. These includes: to change salary, cost centre and allowances, process leavers, update absences, produce reports, process overtime payments and compare salaries and performance ratings. The company also uses a degree of employee self-service with employees being able to: maintain personal details and emergency contac, provide information on their pay, request holidays, record absence, change bank account details and look at performance rating and salary history. HRM guide, October 2004 The technology and communication infrastructure can facilitate virtual working and learning. EX8: Nestle, with over 2000,000 employees spread across hundreds of locations, has adopted distance learning approach based on e-learning with courses structured around short modules of between five and seven minutes duration.(Marquardt, 2004). The role of HR managers will be to train employees to adapt with technological changes as it arises through training process in order to face change in the competitive environment. Economic factors As part of the economic context, globalization is the defining political economic paradigm of our time. In term of external context, globalization has affected all aspects in Business. In term of HR strategy, HRM policies and practices have to be aligned to the global activities of transnational enterprises and be able to attract and retain employees operating internationally but within different national employment regimes. EX9: China, India and the USA will drive growth A new research from the Economist Intelligence Unit predicts that more than half the growth in the worlds GDP over the next 15 years will come from China(27%), the US(16%), and India(12%). The foresight 2020 research report, sponsored by Cisco System, bases its predictions on new long term economic forecasts, a survey of more than 1,650 executives and in-depth interviews with senior business leaders. HRM guide, April 2006. The growth of the global economy has resulted in significant sections of the labour market being influenced by the investment decisions and production and HR strategies of transnational corporations. These transnational corporations such as Toyota, Unilever, Ford, have established a global network for research and development, production and marketing. These corporations integrate global resources and outsource some of their work to preferred suppliers to achieve cost efficiencies while maintaining the capability to respond to local markes. These global business strategies strongly affect the nature of local markets and therefore HRM initiatives and practices. EX10: Employees urges British gas to reconsider plan to move 2000 jobs to India Angry British Gas employees are campaigning for the company to reverse its decision to transfer 2,000 back-office jobs to India. British Gas plans to close sites in Manchester, Oldham and Solihull as part of a  £430m over-haul of its customer billing system. People management, 15 August 2005. Human Resource Management is a body of knowledge and a set of policies and practices that shape the nature of work and regulate the employment relationship. These practices suggest three questions: What do HRM managers do? What affects what they do? How do they do what they do? To answer these questions, we draw on the work of Harzing (2000), Millward et al. (2000) and Ulrich (1997) to identify key HRM functions. These are HR policies, programmes and practices designed in response to organizational goals and contingencies, and managed to achieve those goals and gain competitive advantage. Planning: preparing forecasts for future HR needs in the light of an organisations environment, mission and objectives, strategies and internal strengths and weaknesses, including its structure, culture, technology and leadership. Integrating: appropriately integrating or linking HRM with the strategic management process of the company and coordinating bundles of HR practices to achieve the companys desired goals. Staffing: obtaining people with the appropriate skills, abilities, knowledge and experience to fill jobs in the organization. Key practices are HR planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection. Developing: analysing learning requirement to ensure that employees possess the knowledge and the skills to perform satisfactorily in their jobs or to advance in the organization. Performance appraisal can identify employee key skills and competencies. Motivating: the design and administration of reward system. HR practices include job evaluation, performance appraisal, pay and benefits. Designing: the design and maintenance of work system that are safe and promote employee health and workplace wellness in order to attract and retain a competent workforce and comply with regulations. Managing relationship: processes and structures that build cooperative relationship among employees, between employer and trade union. Managing change: which involve helping others to envision the future, communication this vision, changing mindsets and setting clear expectations for performance. Evaluating: designing the procedures and processes that measure, evaluate and communicate the value-added of HR practices and the entire HR system to the organization. EX 11: The 21st century chief human resources officer (CHRO) A new report from Deloitte Consulting, Strategist Steward: The evolving role of the Chief Human Resources Officer outlines the challenges, processes and performance measures facing todays CHRO. According to the report, the modern CHRO is required increasingly to act as both strategist and steward. To quote Deloittes media release, they are leaders who not only manage the HR function and operations team, but also collaborate directly with the CEO and board of directors on a range of critical. Deloitte Consultings Strategist and Steward report is available at htt:// Human resource planning Human resource planning is the process by which the management of an organization determines its future human resource requirements and how the existing human resources can be effectively utilized to fulfil these requirements. In the process, the management strives to have the appropriate number and the appropriate kind of people at the appropriate place. Human resource planning is one of the HR practices that is a futuristic form of assessment. It tries to assess the human resource requirements in advance keeping the organizational objectives, production schedules, and the fluctuations in the background. The basic purpose of human resource planning is to have an accurate estimate of the number of employees required with the matching skills to meet the organizational goals. It helps organization to maintain and improve its ability to achieve its goals by developing strategies that will in optimum contribution of human resource. In order to gain sustainable competitive advantage, Stainer recommends the following nine strategies for human resource planners: They should collect, maintain, and interpret relevant information regarding human resources. They should report periodically human resource objectives and requirements, existing employees, and allied features of human resource. They should develop measures of human resource utilization as components of forecasts of human resource requirements along with independent validation. They should employ suitable techniques to effective allocation of work with a view to improving human resource utilization. They should conduct research to determine factors hampering the contribution of the individuals and groups to the organization with the view to modifying or removing these handicaps. They should develop and employ methods of economic assessment of human resources to reflect its features as income generator and cost and accordingly improve the quality of decisions affecting the human resource. They should evaluate the procurement, promotion, and retention of effective human resource. They should analyse the dynamic process of recruitment, promotion, and loss to the organization and control these processes with a view to maximizing the individual and group performance without involving high cost. They should develop procedures and techniques to determine the requirements of different types of human resource over a period of time from the standpoint organizational goals. Recruitment and selection: Recruitment and selection have always been critical processes for organizations. Recruitment and selection are vital stages in the formation with an emphasis on a two way flow communication; employees are attracted to and select an organization and the work on offer as much as employers select employees. Thus, employers need to see the attraction and retention of employees as part of the evolving employment relationship, based on a mutual and reciprocal understanding of expectations, as well as an attempt to predict how a potential employee might behave in the future and make a contribution to the organization requirements. This is very important when the labour market is tight in other words when there is a strong competition. The purpose of selection is to select the most valuable candidate who would meet the requirements of the job. There is a wide variation s in recruitment and selection practices, reflecting an organizations strategy and its philosophy towards the management of people. Employees seen as part of the primary internal market become the focus for the bundle of human resources practices intended to bring about increased motivation, an increased acceptance of responsibilities, deepened skills and greater commitment, providing the organization with a competitive edge. Human resource planning Staff needs, option internal/external Recruitment Pool of applicants Selection Job performance The stages of recruitment and selection EX12: Blind jobseekers brought up speed Speed recruitment days based on the speed dating format, are being used to boost the number of visually impaired people in work. The charity Blind in Business set up 10 years ago by three blind graduates to make it easier for visually impaired university-leavers to get jobs, believes the events are a way of matching employees and candidates who may otherwise never meet. Human resource development Technology, global markets, customer expectations and competition have all contributed to the view that organizations need to achieve high performance working leading generation of high value added products and services for customers, and trust and commitment from enthusiastic employees (International Labour Organization, 2000).Many organization now claim to take a holistic view that embraces the idea of learning individual and organizational levels as a crucial source of competitive advantage. EX13: Ernst Young: Building your professional career At Ernst Young, you can look forward to enriching your knowledge and experience. Whilst we expect you to take a proactive approach to the management of your career, we also provide considerable support. We provide many opportunities for you to specialize in an industry sector or in particular markets, and, in addition, excellent opportunities exist for our best people to develop experience through international assignments. To provide the in depth learning required to support your development, we offer a comprehensive suite of high quality training courses. Financial times, 24 October 2008 p.16 Flexibility plan The flexible firm model by Atkinson and Meager, 1985, p.2 which draws into a simple framework the new elements in employers manpower practices, bringing out the relationship between various practices and their appropriateness for different companies and groups of workers. This model identified four types of flexibility: Functional: a firms ability to adjust and deploy the skills of its employees to match the tasks required by its changing workload, production methods and technology. Numerical: a firms ability to adjust the level of labour inputs to meet fluctuations in output. Distancing strategy: the replacement of internal workers external subcontractors that is, putting some work, such as running the firms canteen. Financial: support for the achievement of flexibility through the pay and reward system. These flexibilities are achieved through a division of employees into the core workforce and the peripheral workforce. The core group is composed of those workers expected to deliver functional flexibility and includes those with firm specific skills and high discretionary elements in their work. The peripheral group is composed of a number of different workers. One category might be directly employed by the firm to perform work with low discretionary elements. Another might be employed as required on a variety of contracts, and the final category comprises trainees, some of whom may be prepared for eventual transfer to the core group. Functional flexibility could be presented as: Job enlargement Job enrichment Job rotation Training and development In the present competitive and dynamic environment, it has become essential for organization to build and sustain competencies that would provide them sustainable competitive advantage. No enterprise can last long in a highly competitive society unless it keeps pace with the emerging market trends and technological changes. The training programme can be defines as a process through which an organization seeks to attain the objectives of performance enhancement by developing the skills of a set of learners or by fulfilling the learning requirements of an identified group of employees. Development on the other hand is holistic, often aiming at overall personality development. The content of a development programme includes conceptual or theoretical inputs, perspective strategic thinking or focusing on behavioural aspects such as leadership skills, managing teams, groups. We may say that training is imparted to operatives, whereas development is a process of grooming mainly used for exe cutives and managers. The benefits for organization are: There will be an increase in the intellectual capital of the company Training helps in achieving higher standards of quality, building up a satisfactory organizational structure, delegating authority, and motivating employees to perform better. Employee turnover and absenteeism are reduced Wastage is minimized Jon enlargement and job enrichment programmes can be implemented easily Making training a continuous affair in the company can strengthen employee loyalty. EX14: Getting the value from NVQs at the Northern Snooker Centre The Northern Snooker Centre Ltd is a long established family business in Leeds. With over 33 staffs, the company has developed from having 9 snooker tables to over 27,plus 16 pools tables and three bar and lounge areas that are open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The family owners have consistently worked towards developing a customer focused culture and ethos based on staff training and development, teamwork and leadership. The company regards the teams as the whole workforce and has therefore sought to provide learning opportunities for everyone, using NVQs as a key mechanism. June williamson, company secretary. Daily Mail, 06 January 2007 p.12 Performance management and appraisal Performance appraisal can be described as the process of reviewing employees performance, documenting the review, and delivering it to the employee in the form of feedback. The information collected from performance measures is used for compensation packages, employee development, identification of training needs, providing feedback, and development of the employee. EX 15: RBS examines its people practices. A project aimed at identifying which people practices drive customer service and business performance has been launched by Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS). The initiative, called Service Excellence through People will bring together key data on 4,000 of RBSs retail bank branches worldwide in a bid to take its leading edge human capital strategy to the next level. RBS has engaged Harvard Business School and its survey consultants to carry out the study. Rima Manocha, People Management, 28 July 200 The human resource of an organization constitutes its entire workforce. Human resource management is responsible for selecting and inducting competent people, training them, facilitating and motivating them to perform at high levels of efficiency, and providing mechanisms to ensure that they maintain affiliation with the company. Change is inevitable in life and in the case of organizations, the general tendency is to complacent with policies and practices that have been successful in the past. Human resource , which has been a staff function, has now assumed a strategic function, as it has to coordinate with other functional areas in forecasting the future and gearing up human resource to meet the future challenges. REFERENCES Rima Manocha, People Management, 28 July 200 June williamson, company secretary. Daily Mail, 06 January 2007 p.12 Financial times, 24 October 2008 p.16 People management, 15 August 2005 HRM guide, April 2006 Marquardt, 2004 De Cieri et al, 2005 HRM guide, October 2004 Virginia Galt, Globe and Mail, 24 June 2002, P.83 CANADIAN HR REPORTER, 17 MARCH 2006 Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, 9 February 2006, P. A1 (Personnel Today, 19 September 2006).