Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Kings Duty

â€Å"Queen to D-6.† â€Å"Checkmate!† And I had won my first chess competition. Pride burst into me as I let out a guttural â€Å"Yeah!† I’d hardly practiced, and still won it. I hadn’t been expecting too, but I had. It was my lucky day. Immediately when I came home, I urged my parents to sign me up for some more competitions. I figured I should play in as many competitions as I can before my luck runs out. My parents asked if I wanted to take some lessons, but I declined. I’d won my last competition without much practice, and I probably shouldn’t shake that routine. The queen has always been my favorite piece. It’s versatile, and more importantly, it can get to its goal in one swift, effortless move. That’s why I dislike the King. It’s supposed to be the leader, and yet it’s endearingly slow. I don’t know what the inventors were thinking. I flinched as the bell rung. Thus began the first day of high school. I looked at my schedule and found the way to homeroom. They said the usual things about us having to work harder now that we’re in high school. â€Å"I’ll just do whatever it takes to get to an A,† I thought. Turns out I ended the year with grades that all roamed around the 89.5% range, which was the cut-off for an A. Some grades were a bit lower; some were a bit higher. I dismissed them, thinking I’d just work just a bit harder next semester and get all As. Turns out my grades just kept declining. And I hadn’t done too well in my chess tournaments either. I went into English class one school day feeling depressed about everything. I didn’t know why my luck had made such a bad turn. We were reading Macbeth, by Shakespeare, which was a book about a noble, named Macbeth, who stages a coup d’etat to usurp the throne. At first, Macbeth is a hard working, loyal person. He fights hard and dutifully in his wars and is compensated graciously by King Duncan. Then one day, after a meeting with some witches, Macbeth decides to stage a coup d’etat by killing the king. He does succeed in killing the king in one fell swoop, and does become king, but his mind is completely corrupted and he goes nearly insane. He also doesn’t live for long, as one of the king’s allies later succeeds in avenging Duncan by killing Macbeth. Something struck a chord with me. Macbeth had tried to attain glory through one decisive action of assassinating Duncan. Rather than staying loyal and fighting hard to attain glory, he took the ef fortless way to the throne, the easy road. Then, with a deafening noise, I realized that this was me. I was Macbeth. I was just like him. I always tried to take the effortless way into things, and almost always ended up stooped in failure. I couldn’t depend on luck to help me throughout the way. I needed to make a conscious effort to reach my goal, and to achieve more than my goal. I needed to be the king that slowly but surely arrives at his success.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Introduction to marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Introduction to marketing - Assignment Example These include government rules, regulations and policies that impact on the business environment. According to Georgiev’s (2013, p. 4) study, these policies and regulations include tax policies, trade and labour laws, trade restrictions, tariffs, environmental laws and regulations, infrastructure and development policies. On the same note, political stability is also a critical factor that affects both the economy and the business. From these factors, it is clear that the political factors impact on the daily operations of businesses. This requires that businesses prepare to respond to the current, as well as anticipated future legislations, in order to adjust their marketing policies accordingly. These factors relate to the economy and affect how an entity conducts its business and their profitability. These factors include inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, economic growth, and disposable income of consumers and businesses. An entity has no control over these factors, and it only adjusts its business strategies, commercial and financial policies to benefit most from the prevailing economic conditions. These denote the social-cultural factors and include the shared beliefs and attitudes and can affect the business strategies positively or negatively. They include the demographic aspects such as religious beliefs and social stigmas, age distribution, employment and income statistics, education and career trends, overall general attitude, and population growth rate. These factors have a great impact on the operation of an entity since poor strategies, especially those which go against the societal norms face opposition, criticism protests and even negative publicity. A marketer must, therefore, understand individuals based on age as well as the whole society and what drives them to making a purchase. These factors are brought about by the technological landscape changes in the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Data analysis and discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data analysis and discussion - Essay Example Thus, the responses from the participants greatly varied according to one’s opinion on a particular question. The variance and standard deviation for all the baseline variables is relatively low. For instance, a standard deviation of 0.41 for the first question implies that the data points are very close to the real mean. On the other hand, the seventh question’s standard deviation of 0.50 implies that the data points are far apart from each other; spread out in larger ranges of the variables. Looking at the correlation matrix from excel sheet 3, a number of baseline variable have a correlation of 1 whereas others have -1. For instance, variable 1 and 2, 1 and 7, 1 and 5, 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 2 and 6, 2 and 7, 3 and 8, 4 and 8, 5 and 6, 5 and 7 have a correlation of 1 which implies that they have a strong positive linear relationship. Other combinations have a strong negative linear relationship as shown in excel file. It has six questions or variables that seek to know the level of self-efficacy on students’ performance. Just like locus control, this was done on 35 participants (students) who gave different responses for the baseline variables; as shown by their means: 6.43, 6.66, 6.51, 1.97, 6.40 and 6.29 for question 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively. The standard deviation for the second variable is 0.48 implying that the data points in this baseline variable are close to the mean. The highest standard deviation is 1.25 for the fourth baseline variable. This shows that the data points for this variable are far from the mean. From the excel sheet 3, the correlation coefficient differ greatly. For instance, baseline variable 1 and 2 have a correlation of 1 which shows that they have a strong positive correlation. Variable 2 and 8 have a strong negative relationship, a correlation of